Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Toddler In The House…

I have the absolute joy of watching a darling little toddler 2 days a week while his mom goes off to work.  His name is Grayson, and he will be 3 next month.  He is the most darling, most polite, most funny little toddler I have encountered in quite some time.  He loves to have his picture taken, and yells “Cheeeeeeeeese” when I do it.

Grayson absolutely adores my littles.  He goes to another home the other three days of the week, but he LOVES to come and play with Parker and Morgan.  He is a StarWars fan like Parker, but will also run around and play with Morgan. 

Gray is in the potty training stage right now, and is doing very well. Today he went #2 on the BIG potty, so that called for a special treat.  Here he is enjoying his ice cream bar :)

River Woods Park 003
Gray decided to dress himself today, and this is what he came up with…quite the ensemble! :)

River Woods Park 002 

Here he is with his favorite buddy Parker at the park…

River Woods Park 007b
And my favorite shot of the day….You might as well JUMP!!!!

River Woods Park 010a  
We are having so much fun with this little boy in our home a few days a week.  He is such a delight.  Today was the first time I’ve ever heard him cry, and it was because he bumped his noggin coming down the slide.  After “Momma S”, as he calls me, wiped away the first tears, he said “I want Parker” :)

I’ll share more pictures of our days with Grayson as the summer goes on… :)

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