Monday, January 7, 2013

Back To The Business of Life…

This past weekend we took down all of the decorations, packed up the Christmas dishes and tablecloths, dismantled the tree, and the holidays officially ended.  Today it was back to the business of life.

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE routine.  I love organization, schedules, and a certain rhythm that helps my day go better.  I am not an early riser by personality.  I LOVE to sleep.  I didn’t earn my childhood nickname (don’t ask) because I was an early riser! In order for my household to run well, and to get the things accomplished each day that I need to, I have to be an early riser by habit.  Not an easy habit for this momma.

Our pastor preached a great sermon yesterday to end our prayer week at church.  A philosophy that has been a great help to him in his own walk with God, is “Bible Before Breakfast”.  I just loved that.  Today I started that.  I rose just after my husband at dark thirty, and got ready for the day after meditating on some verses of Scripture that have ministered to me this past year.  What a wonderful start to the day…it seemed to fill me with energy.  By the time I would have loved to sleep in until, I had run two loads of laundry, made two breakfasts, run a load of dishes, gotten my youngs students started on their lessons, and purged an ottoman that has been calling my name for weeks.  I fully believe that the Lord multiplies our time, or gives us the strength for each day’s need, when we call on Him for it!  It was a LONG day, but I feel like much was accomplished.

So we’re back in the swing.  Soon our little lovies will be coming back to us for child-minding, and life will get busy again.  For this day’s new beginnings and resuming life, I’m grateful for the grace and strength God gave.  I pray that as we press on through 2013, that grace will be evident in our lives, and God will glorify Himself through all that is ahead of us.

It’s good to be back in the routine and rhythm of life…

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